Saturday, August 15, 2009

Helloooo Micronesia!

We've hit a lot of the great sites on the island -- Sokeh's Ridge (> 800 ft peak that overlooks the north part of the island -- you can see for miles and miles), Nan Madol (ancient ruins in the southern part of the island -- such a sacred feeling to be there), Kepirohi Falls (really beautiful waterfalls near Nan Madol), PATS (Pohnpei Agricultural Trade School, which is now closed, but the campus is absolutely gorgeous). The island is just beautiful. For a visual, think of Jurassic Park mixed with the Secret Garden every now and then. And maybe the end of Finding Neverland. I keep looking around for fairies or dinosaur footprints. The beauty is just breathtaking, especially in the southern part of the island, but even in Kolonia. Kolonia, where we live, actually has a main strip called Kaselehlie St. with the post office, fabric stores, and places to buy food. We live just off of Kaselehlie, within walking distance from our schools (Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School for Luke and me and Pohnpei Catholic School for Jo and Phil), the Jesuit residence, the sisters (Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz) residence, and Micronesian Seminar.

Our Lady of Mercy starts on August 24th, so Luke and I have been there this week while Jo and Phil are at PCS, getting our classrooms ready and starting on lesson plans. I can definitely see how I might get so caught up in lesson plans and teaching that I forget all the other aspects of being a JV. My work load seemed a bit overwhelming at first, but I feel better about it now that I've gotten into the books and started planning. I'm teaching Math to all four grades, Theology to first years, and Budgeting (anyone who knows me well knows that I'm the LAST person that should be teaching that subject!) to juniors. So, six subjects in all. I'm so excited to start teaching.

Adjusting to the new climate has been okay. Philip and I are sweating a lot.. a lot, a lot, a lot. If I've lost any weight, which I think I definitely have, it's been all water. No matter how much water I drink, I don't think it has been enough. I don't think I've been eating enough either.. I'm often pretty hungry in between meals. So I'll have to figure out how to balance all of that. But we're getting used to it.

Other than the heat and humidity, I've been very comfortable. Our house is great. We rent on the property of the Pangelinens (hope I spelled that right!), who are very kind to us, and have met many of our neighbors. Everyone has such beautiful spirits. We're met with 'mensung mwah' every morning, 'soutik mwah' every afternoon, and 'pwong mwah' every night as we walk around, and are greeted with lots of smiles and kind eyes. It feels very much like a home I could get used to.. I guess I have no choice! But I'm so glad to be here. I'm so excited for what's to come.

1 comment:

  1. My Sammy,
    It is so wonderful to hear how happy you are on your wonderous voyage. I am so glad that you're adapting so easily. The people sound great, the island sounds like a fantasy!! I wouldn't be surprised, when you least expect it, that you will see fairies ;) Everything at home is going well. Aunt Val just went today (August 19) for her Pre-Op. I'm hoping that someone else is also emailing you to keep you up-to-date...but if not, I will!!! :) As soon as I learn more of what is going on with that, I will let you know ASAP. Rob and I are doing great, we've been talking about our 1 year, can you believe it already?!?! I feel like there is so much to tell you, yet not. Rob and I have also discussed the possibility of shortening our 5 year plan to maybe....MAYBE a 3 year plan. :D He and I are of course happy with the way things are, but I am so ready to start our family....but not until you come home. :) I promise that if for whatever reason we even shorten our "new idea" of a family, I will let you know immediately!! Eric is still just hanging at home.....and Aunt Carla and Uncle Bob are still waiting to put the new trailer in. Melissa and Renner just came home from Costa Rica. Jeremy brought his new girlfriend to Marc's graduation party this past weekend. She seems very nice. It was kinda weird to see Jeremy have a know how he is. He seemed happier with her. :) It was nice to see. Well, I think I'm just going off on a tangent right now...and I just wanted to really just say hi, and I'm following you and your blog until you come home. I miss you so much already. Please take care of yourself..mind, body, and soul. I love you!! Allison


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